Matthew 26 is the story of Jesus' betrayal and arrest. Honestly, I get slightly annoyed every time I read it. Could you imagine KNOWING someone was going to stab you in the back but not acting on it? Jesus knew that some of his "ride or die" friends (Matthew 26:35) would not be there for him when things got rough. Regardless of the prophesies, Jesus still chose to love Peter and Judas.
Life application: People are bound to hurt and mistreat you because of our sinful, carnal nature. The power comes in your response. Christ followers are called to stand out and love those who are hard to love- because you're hard to love sometimes too (Romans 12:9-21). Speak the truth in love (Ephesians 4:15) when someone hurts you. Next time someone doesn't treat you right (according to your standards), I challenge you to begin to pray for them. Not just, "Bless their heart," but a genuine prayer like for a family member or your best friend. Romans 12:14 says to bless, not curse those who hurt you. You'll deepen your faith and mature as a result. Happy Wednesday!
Casey, you've challenged me when you wrote ' next time when someone doesn't treat you right according to your standards' , wow what a thought provoking statement. I've now ask myself are my standards and expectations Christ like. Answer is a few times. No. My prayer is Lord forgive me an help me to learn of your ways. I pray you continue to allow god to lead you.