Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Matthew 4

"Next Jesus was taken into the wild by the Spirit for the Test. The Devil was ready to give it. Jesus prepared for the Test by fasting forty days and forty nights. That left him, of course, in a state of extreme hunger, which the Devil took advantage of in the first test..." Matthew 4:1-3

The story of Jesus being tempted in the desert is a common one. However, I want to call our attention to somethings that I noticed. 

  • Jesus was led by the Spirit to be tested
So often we think that because we're being tested, we've done something wrong. Jesus, the son of God, was blameless, should we, mere humans, expect something different? Jesus demonstrated that he trusted God's plan by following the Spirit for the test. Are you heading the call? 

  • Jesus PREPARED for the tests

As Christians, we are guaranteed to be tested. Like the cliche says, if we fail to plan, we plan to fail. Prepare for the tests by studying the scripture, immersing yourself in the word (ie. podcasts, music...), ample prayer, and wise counsel. How are you preparing for the tests of life? 
  • Jesus was vulnerable
Jesus hadn't eaten in 40 days. Are you kidding me?! I start to feel woozy at hour 4 of no food. I'm sure by that time, the rocks really did start to look like croutons. Vulnerability can cause compromise of values, beliefs, and progress. It's at these times that we have to have some accountability and people to call when temptations starts too look appealing. Are you putting yourself in compromising situations or seeking out environments that edify the kingdom?  
  • The devil knew the state of Jesus' flesh and tested it
The devil knew Jesus hadn't eating, and took full advantage of that. The devil knows that you haven't been studying the word for yourself. He can then send false teachers on instagram, he can cause your "friends" to cast doubt into your spirit, and he can draw you to that music that stirs up your sinful nature. The devil doesn't attack where you're strong, but where you're weak! If you seek out God, he specializes in these types of situations (2 Corinthians 2:9)

Happy Tuesday! 

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