“Even now,” declares the Lord,“return to me with all your heart, with fasting and weeping and mourning.” Joel 2:12
Today is the first day of Lent! Yay! I am looking forward to see what God does in your life over these next 46 days. However, we don't fast to "get" anything from God. In fact, fasting is taking our eyes off of earthly distractions to fix our eyes on things eternal. As Matthew 6:16-18 says, fasting is a personal endeavor between you and God. Take this time to earnestly seek the Lord about EVERYTHING. What is his will for your life? How can you serve him?
If you're having trouble selecting what to fast from, consider the opposite. Maybe you can add something that you've been meaning to, but haven't fully committed to.
Here are some ideas:
- Waking up an hour earlier to spend quiet time with God.
- Starting a Bible reading plan
- Committing to praying for a specified time (minimum) per day
- Turning off the TV/ electronics between the hours of ____ and ____
- Breaking away from unhealthy/ unproductive relationships
- Eliminating secular music
- Censoring television shows/ movies that are not uplifting and encouraging
- Committing to a scripture memorization plan
Ultimately, a fast should CHALLENGE you. Whatever you decide to do, should cause you to lean on the Lord for support because it is a SACRIFICE.
*Note: Lent ends: Thursday, April 17
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